Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 14

Since my last post, I feel like I have cheated a little. I guess the amount of movies I watched made it feel like I wasn't still under the experiment. That's okay, however, as I'm two weeks in!

Denny and I watched "Where the Wild Things Are." I like a lot of elements about this movie, but most particularly, the emotions of a young child that were expressed through the main character and the monsters. I think, as adults, we all wish we could just break down and revert back to those simple emotions and moments sometimes. Now I don't condone biting someone or throwing a fit necessarily, but just, expression and play. We've had some major flooding in my area due to the heavy rains we experienced the last few days. I took my dog, Oliver, out for a walk before dinner and we headed over to one of the flooded roads. While the waters have receded a lot, this road was still under. I don't go out exploring much anymore. This has started to change and I like it. There are qualities of children that I envy; they find the best in everything, and they have no fear of being themselves. I want that back.

"Life is too short to be anything but happy."

1 comment:

  1. Your experiment is making me more conscious about the amount of time I spend online. I went to the library today so I can spend some quality time reading books :)

    I picked "The Secret" by Rhoda Byrne. You might want to check it out too :)

    Keep going SM!! Datte bayo!
